Dubai Mall's power went out and these reactions are just hilarious

The outage was caused by the transfer of high-voltage cable from Dubai Mall’s substation.

Dubai Mall got a lot of attention Monday night, after a power outage left thousands of shoppers in the dark.  

The electricity was out for at least 90 minutes, according to Al Arabiya

Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA), the city's utility provider, released a statement soon after, explaining what caused the outage. 

"There has been a power outage in Dubai Mall, which was caused by the transfer of high-voltage cable from Dubai Mall’s substation, based on a request from Emaar Properties.”

Of course, the whole incident was documented on social media ... and people came out with humor, in full force.  

Shopping uninterrupted ... thanks to flashlights

Because #priorities

Important questions were raised

Some were genuinely worried about those stuck in elevators ...

It was a first for many ... so they took advantage

And when the power was restored ... the celebrations began!

The overlooked art of vehicle decoration in Egypt

Sha3by cultures are often overlooked.

I recently stumbled across a website dedicated to something I spend countless hours thinking about while stuck in traffic, and that is vehicle decoration.

Samaklaban focuses on Cairo's design and visual art culture; its name aptly captures Egypt's visual language.

In Arabic, the phrase "samak, laban, tamr hindi", which translates into 'fish, milk, tamarind', is used to imply a complete lack of coherence.

A walk down any Cairo street or a visit to any popular shop is enough to see the visual melting pot that is Egyptian design aesthetics. 

The most interesting visual trend, I find, is the decoration found on vehicles, such as motorcycles, cars, buses, vans, trucks, and lorries. 

Purchasing one of these vehicles is no easy feat. Quite often, they constitute a source, if not the only source, of income for many. In that respect, it's easy to see why owners take great pride in them. 

car stickers, vehicle
So this is where these stickers come from... Source: Samaklaban

Despite this being a widespread cultural phenomenon, there has virtually been no research on the topic. The website, Samaklaban, had been attempting to draw attention to this trend, but has not been active for the past year. 

Popular (read: sha3by) cultures are often overlooked and regarded as a corrupt version to an original - something to be looked down on.  Perhaps this is why there isn't much reading material on the matter. 

But it's cultural nonetheless

The way Egyptian working class men choose to decorate their vehicles can be very telling. Considering the time, effort, thought, and money that are invested in the process, we can be certain that it means more to the owner than mere decoration.

From what I have been able to gather, this kind of decoration serves several purposes: to embellish and to celebrate (tedala3) one's space - an important theme in Egyptian culture. 

Vehicle decorations are a reflection of the driver's personality. The wide variety of stickers available makes it easy to customize and tailor the look of one's vehicle according to taste. 

For outsiders, the decoration may seem trivial, but to the people who invest in them, they are everything. 

It's not new

Egyptians have been decorating their cars, trucks and lorries for a very long time. Even camels, horses and carts are not immune. 

Bright, patterned tassels and bells are still used today, but stickers are all the rave when it comes to modern land-based transportation systems. 

bus, stickers, decoration
A typical bus decorated with the ever popular X-men sticker Source: Samaklaban

There are multiple themes one can choose from when it comes to vehicle decoration. They include: 

  • Religious passages and sayings
  • Popular advice and colloquial proverbs
  • Disney characters
  • Children's names and photographs
  • Popular musicians
  • Owner or vehicle nickname
  • Nationalistic slogans 
  • Western brands

Sometimes it's a mix of all of the above. Other times it's the odd human sized Mickey Mouse on the back of the truck that grabs your attention... 

mickey mouse, truck, cairo
King Mickey greeting Cairo Traffic Source: Facebook, Dina Elgohary

Popular sayings or advice can reflect the driver's personality. What saying they choose to put on their vehicle tells you what sort of mindset they have and their outlook on life. They can be optimistic, patient, romantic, cynical, scarred, or loyal.  

Microbus, advice
"If you want to be legendary, treat people with true manliness"- wise words from a microbus owner Source: Facebook, Dina Elgohary

Interestingly, some people opt to put the names of their children on their vehicle, typically accompanied by the title of amir, amira, brince or brinsesa (Arabic and eye dialect for prince and princess).

Some will go as far as to have the image of their child plastered on the vehicle. 

Truck, decoration, fruit
Look how cute this baby is, superimposed on a the Union Jack, nestled between a nice collection of fruits Source: Facebook, Dina Elgohary