Parts of Saudi Arabia have been invaded by massive locust attacks earlier this year, and it hasn't stopped yet. Currently, gigantic waves of these insects have been storming the kingdom, and they're as huge as they can get.
The phenomenon is expected to go on for two more months, so the government has warned people against trying to catch or consume the creatures.
In an official statement on the matter, the country's Ministry of Environment said it effectively fought off parts of the most recent attack in several of the kingdom's cities. However, it continues to affect vast areas across Saudi Arabia including Barida city.
Videos capturing the locust invasion have naturally gone viral on social media and show acres of land entirely covered by the creatures.
People are worried the attacks won't end anytime soon, and have been venting online. Others are pretty excited about the massive number of locusts arriving in the kingdom and want to make the most out of the situation by cooking and eating them.
Though locusts are considered a popular dish by some communities in the country (and are often sold for pretty high prices), locals have been advised not to consume any at the time being since the creatures have been sprayed with pesticides.
A number of locusts never seen before
Locust sambosas?
Locust attacks have also been spotted in Kuwait and Jordan
Countries neighboring Saudi Arabia have also been affected by this week's locust raids. Videos of the creatures attacking several cities in Kuwait recently made the rounds on Twitter.
In Jordan, the attacks were so severe, the Ministry of Environment had to fight them off.
On Monday, the country's Minister of Agriculture and Environment, Eng. Ibrahim Al Shehadeh, said teams sent out by the ministry successfully fended off locust invasions in areas where they were spotted over the weekend.