If you thought weddings were limited to living beings, you better think again because it turns out they aren't.
Proof of that is a bizarre wedding party held for two teddy bears in Egypt's city of Luxor.
News of the celebration went viral on Arab Twitter earlier this week. In its details, British millionaire Claudia Brown flew to Egypt to celebrate her dolls getting married in a luxury resort, DW reported.
Not only that, Brown also booked a royal suite for them to spend their first night in and insisted they stay in the same room once occupied by former French President Nicolas Sarkozy.
Bizzarre weddings taken to the next level
According to media reports, the millionaire spent hundreds of thousands of Egyptian pounds on the celebration.
She also had guests flown out to Egypt and paid for their stay at one of the city's most luxurious hotels.
The teddy bear wedding sparked a hilarious social media meltdown
People just couldn't even...
"She didn't know where to waste her money"
"This is what hash does to people"
Arab trolling was endless
"Hey, they have vain people just like we do."
"Me if I ever become super rich"
"La 'ilaha 'illa llah"
"Why doesn't she adopt us?"
A few turned to sarcasm
"I am in the process of turning myself into a doll."
Others were upset over the news
"Our lives are just too hard."