The hardest thing about Ramadan in the summertime is the thirst that accompanies fasting. Other than jugging gallons of water at suhoor, there are some foods that can help keep you hydrated all throughout the next day including cucumbers, watermelon and laban.
But, there are also some foods that you should just avoid, no matter how badly you're craving them.
1. Nuts and bizir

Foods with high sodium levels will cause your body's sodium levels to spike, causing your cells to excrete water and sending a thirst signal to your brain, demanding even more water.
2. Fish

Seafood is known to be naturally salty. The body continuously tries to keep a balance between salt and water content, which would ultimately require you to drink more water.
3. Sojouk and makanek

These sausage like meats are packed with salt and spices, which will most definitely lead to a dry mouth as soon as you wake up.
4. Coffee

Coffee is a diuretic, meaning it makes you urinate much more frequently, which leads to dehydration if not compensated with water.
5. Zaytoon

Olives are packed with salt, which will only make your brain ask for water.
6. Maqlouba

This delicious dish is actually a killer. First, its main ingredient is rice, which is part of the starch family. Although starches are essential in your diet, they can have an effect on thirst levels. The second ingredient is fried eggplants! Stay away from fried foods as they absorb enormous amounts of salt when they are made.
7. Jallab

This is a hard one, I know. Although we all love this sugary drink, it's probably not a great idea to have it with suhoor. Sugary drinks affect the body the same way salt does.
8. Toum

The worst one of all, you know it.