Two British lawyers, reportedly sisters, were recently accused of physically and verbally assaulting a policewoman after they had been arrested for "drunkenness" outside a hotel in Al Barsha area in the UAE.
During a court hearing on Monday, the accused "pleaded not guilty and refuted the charges," >according to Gulf News.
The arrest of the women came following reported "outrageous behavior" outside the hotel in August. Their disturbance led to a dispatch of policemen to the area, where one of the sisters was being assisted by paramedics.
The other woman was reportedly standing outside the ambulance and shouting.

At the time, the sisters refused to cooperate with the policeman, ultimately leading to their arrest.
Upon arrival to the police station, the policeman called his female colleague to escort the sisters and was assaulted for it.
"They surprisingly attacked me, and I don’t know why. They assaulted me and pushed me down on the floor … I fell down and injured my head and elbow," the policewoman said, according to Gulf News.
"While they were being taken for an alcohol test, they cursed me and cursed Arab women. One of them also scratched my hand with her nails," she added.
Three policemen and a lieutenant confirmed the policewoman's claims during the court hearings.
Prosecutors charged the sisters of "assaulting a policewoman and cursing her," and then transferred the case to the Dubai Court of First Instance.
The suspects' lawyer requested the court hears out the prosecution witnesses' statements during the next court hearing.
Under current UAE laws, possessing or drinking alcohol without a license could land people in jail for up to six months.