The> region's beloved shawarma is not typically associated with breakfast and is rather seen as a meal more suited for lunch or dinner.

However, Arabs love it so much they want to have the Levantine meat or chicken wrap all day, every day.

Earlier this week, thousands of Arab tweeps took to social media to demand that restaurants start offering shawarma as a breakfast option. 

Tweeting out via the viral hashtag "why isn't there shawarma in the morning," Arabs collectively proved that >their infatuation with the dish has reached a new height. 

It all started when someone launched this hashtag

"I congratulate the person who launched this hashtag. This is the question that needs to be asked: 'Why isn't there shawarma in the morning?'"

Now, the idea did gross some people out

"Shawarma?? In the morning??"

"Why isn't there shawarma in the morning? Because your stomach will react like this"

"So that garlic doesn't take over government offices"

Lots of people are satisfied with mediocre breakfast, but shawarma-loving Arabs are all for creativity

"Yes, it should be available at all times." 


"To those saying it doesn't work in the morning, how is your stomach going to know what time it is?"

"We've been asking this for so long"

Turns out many are "suffering" without the morning dose of shawarma

"You've been suffering with this like me?"

The most Arab question ever:

Arabs are obsessed with shawarma

"I wish there was shawarma in the morning, at least we'd have less of people and more shawarma." 

But then who can blame them?

A few Saudi tweeps went out of their way to find that morning shawarma wrap

"I found a place in al Batha that serves shawarma starting at 9 in the morning."

"Katkout shawarma serves them 24/7"

But in case you don't find a place serving shawarma in the morning ...

"Learn how to make it and don't let the craving pass."