Earlier this week, a Saudi man in the kingdom's Al Ta'if area murdered his four-month-old son and injured his wife and stepdaughter following a domestic dispute. 

According to Sabq news site, the defendant attacked his family members with a gun following an argument between him and his wife. 

Both the woman and her daughter miraculously survived the incident. However, the couple's infant son succumbed to his gunshot injury shortly after he was transferred to a local hospital.

Authorities have since arrested the husband. The case is set to be referred to the region's public prosecution office. 

People were heartbroken over the news

"Oh my... what did this four-month-old do to deserve this? My heart is broken." 

And were left speechless

"There's no strength or power but in God."

Many speculated the causes of the husband's behavior

"He's either mentally ill or a drug addict." 

"This is how domestic disputes end when there's no law to protect victims and no family they can rely on"

Many Saudis doubt the man will be held accountable

"As usual, he'll be jailed for a month and they'll report him as mentally unstable. He'll then be released, he'll remarry, and do this again." 

Everyone called on authorities to pass stricter gun ownership laws

"A strict decision must be made regarding the licensing of individual gun ownership." 

This isn't the first domestic dispute to end tragically in the kingdom this year

Source: Pexels

In April, a Saudi husband >shot and killed his wife using a hunting gun following a domestic dispute.

At the time, the official spokesman for Al Shargiya's police department, General Ziad Al Ruqaiti, issued a statement on the matter, saying:

"The defendant called the police department at four in the morning on Wednesday and reported his crime."

The spokesman added that the husband was immediately arrested by authorities.