Football fans heading to Qatar for the 2022 World Cup  will not be allowed to buy or sell alcohol in public.

"There will be no alcohol consumption on the streets, squares and public spaces and that is final," Secretary-General of the Supreme Committee for Delivery and Legacy said, according to Al Araby.

Despite the restrictions, alcohol will be available in certain "far-away" places, as long as the countries laws and traditions are not compromised. He did not specify what how "far" these places might be. 

>World Cup organizer Hassan al-Thawadi explained that this issue has not yet been discussed with FIFA. However, the country has a "very clear position" and will not change its laws for the tournament. 

>"I did not get into a discussion  with FIFA on this matter and there has been great pressure from FIFA on Russia (2018 hosts) to change its laws," said Thawadi, according to IBTimes.


Qatar has a partial ban on alcohol in place. Bars and restaurants in hotels generally sell freely to foreigners,  and there is only one liquor store in the country. The amount of alcohol you are allowed to purchase is limited each month, based on your income and the size of your family.

Qatar will be the first Middle Eastern country to host the international football tournament. 

While Qatar was granted hosting rights to the event nearly six years ago, >a deluge of criticisms has been lobbed at the decision. 

Despite the best efforts of opponents, FIFA has >affirmed over and over that the event will move forward in the emirate.