Vox media, in collaboration with The New York Community Trust and Ford Foundation, have released a sneak peek >video of an upcoming series that uses humor to subvert Muslim stereotypes. 

The series aims to show the world a first person look into the life of everyday Muslims, featuring Ibtihaj Muhammad, the first American Muslim to wear a hijab while competing in the Olympics, Maz Jobrani, a comedian and actor, and  Dena Takruri, a prominent journalist, among many others.

"There are 1.7 billion answers," the Facebook post says. 

From comedians to journalists and activists, the video tackles the growing prejudice against Muslims head on.

The video starts off with some stereotypical questions and statements Muslims are often faced with.

"I bet you like to hump goats," one says. 

"Why don't Muslims denounce terrorism?" another says. 

The video then moves on to give a basic answer of what a Muslim really is. 

Muslim is the word used to label people who follow the Islamic religion

Muslims believe in the "oneness" of God

And that Muhammad is his messenger

"There's no secret handshake."

"We can't eat pork. There's no pork on my fork, no swine on my mind."

Compassion and Mercy ... these are the two concepts

Simple. It's that simple.