In times of adversity, the smallest acts of kindness can restore our faith in humanity.
That's what many chose to focus on in the wake of the horrific shooting attacks on> two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand. The act of terrorism claimed the lives of 50 innocent people who were attending Friday prayers and left tens of others injured.
Though a few responded to the murders with racism, others were adamant on expressing their solidarity and respect for human life. One of those was >Andrew Graystone, a British man who stood outside a mosque in Manchester to make sure his Muslim friends can pray in peace.
An image of Graystone standing outside the place of worship while holding a placard that read "You are my friends. I will keep watch while you pray," took the internet by storm over the weekend.
In a statement to BBC, Graystone explained that he wanted to respond to the New Zealand terrorist attack "with friendship."
"There are two ways you can respond to an attack like this - you can respond with fear or you can respond with friendship," he said.
His viral gesture moved thousands of social media users and won over everyone's hearts.
"I hadn't intended for anybody other than the people at Medina Mosque to know about this," Graystone said, "but I guess there are little things that lots of people can do to just express friendship rather than fear with Muslim friends, and neighbours and colleagues - so I just took one little action."
Graystone, a previous producer at BBC TV and the chair of The Charnwood Trust - a Christian educational charity - is well-versed in charity and multi-faith work. His wife, Jane, "works with refugees and asylum seekers in Manchester," proving even more the humanitarian home this man comes from.
"My heart can't"
"We need more people like him in the world"
Graystone's gesture left people moved
"Terrorists seek to divide us, heroes refuse to let them"
"Hate will never win"
Not the only similar gesture to take place in the UK
Graystone isn't the only British person who was moved to action after hearing of the atrocity that took place in New Zealand.
According to BBC, other similar acts were spotted outside "mosques in the Midlands and North East of England."
One that went viral online saw a man stand outside a mosque in Sunderland, holding up a sign that read: "This Christian stands against racism and violence towards ALL Muslims."
People across the world have condemned the shocking shootings. In the wake of the incident, thousands also spoke out about the dangers related to the rise of >Islamophobia and white supremacy.