Earlier this week, an Iraqi woman made headlines across the Arab world after giving birth to septuplets in Diyali governorate, Al Hurra reported

In a statement to press, the official spokesperson for the city's health department, Firas Al Izzawi, said the woman gave birth naturally and was in good health after the procedure. 

He also explained that the seven newborns received medical check-ups and are in perfect health. 

Al Izzawi added that the delivery of the seven kids is the first of its kind to be reported in the country.

The 25-year-old woman is now the mother of one boy and six girls. Local media has since published images of the infants, who are being celebrated nationwide. 

The septuplets won over people's hearts


"God bless them and their mother"

A similar case was reported in Lebanon last year

In 2018, a mother >gave birth to sextuplets in Lebanon's Saint George University Hospital. 

The complex birth procedure was handled by a large team of doctors, who ensured it went smoothly.

At the time, the children's father, Youssef Fadl, spoke to Annahar Newspaper and shared the details of the incident. 

"We weren't thinking of having more kids but God granted us this blessing and we accepted it just as it is. So many people told us to keep one of the embryos but we completely rejected the idea. Even though it wasn't an easy journey as my wife had to spend a month and a half in bed rest, she was given the best medical treatment and her delivery went well," he said.

The Lebanese couple were already parents to four kids. With the addition of three boys and three girls, they now have 10 children to take care of.