Christmas can never come unnoticed, as every corner is decorated with the most colorful of lights and ornaments.
Even in the Muslim-majority Arab region, festivities take place and joyful reunions bring love and hope back.
In the most populous Arab country, Egypt, Christmas reigns and gathers Muslims and Christians as one.
Here is why you need to spend next Christmas in Egypt:
1. Over 10% of the Egyptian population are Christians

Egypt is home to the largest Christian community in the region - over 10 million Christians.
2. January 7th is Christmas day in Egypt

Unlike the usual Dec. 25 celebration, over 90% of Egyptian Christians - Orthodox Copts - celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ> on Jan. 7, according to the Coptic Orthodox church, which follows the Coptic calendar.
The Armenian community in Egypt Celebrates Christmas on Jan. 6.
3. The Coptic month leading to Christmas is called "Kiahk"

The month of Kiahk is the fourth month in the Egyptian Coptic calendar.
4. Christmas day is preceded by 43 days of fasting
Starting Nov. 25 and ending on Jan. 6, Coptic Orthodox Christians proceed with a special fast called 'The Holy Nativity Fast.'
They follow a strict vegan diet, in which meat and animal products are cut out.
5. Devotees gather at churches on Christmas Eve
On Coptic Christmas Eve, Jan. 6, Coptic families gather at churches for a special service.
The services normally start at around 10 P.M. and go on till shortly after midnight; sometimes lasting till dawn in some chapels.
6. The Iftar that follows is gorgeous
Once the Christmas services end, people go home to break their fast with glorious feasts of meat, poultry, and eggs.
One of the most popular dishes served that night is Fatta, consisting of rice, bread, boiled lamb meat or beef, and topped off with a garlic and vinegar dressing.
7. Christmas morning means a cup of tea with Kahk el Eid
On the morning of Jan. 7, people visit friends and family members to celebrate Christmas together, offering each other Kahk el Eid.
8. The story of the holy family's trip to Egypt is told
According to the accounts of historians, t>he holy family spent around four years in Egypt. Their journey started in the Sinai at Al-Farma - bordering Gaza - where they arrived after fleeing Jerusalem. Their trip ended in Durnaka, Assiut.
9. Christmas brings Egyptians together
No differentiation is made during this holiday.