As the push for women to secure better rights in Saudi Arabia continues, a statement released by the ministry of labor this week seems to provide a glimmer of hope.
The kingdom is aiming to boost female employment but women need not go to an office, Al Arabiya quoted the ministry as saying.
"Telework" and "work from home" initiatives will generate up to 141,000 jobs by 2020, providing “decent and proper” employment, particularly for women and the disabled.
This will reduce the obstacles that women currently face in terms of seeking employment, including not being able to drive.
According to >Your Middle East the ministry stated that the move will also benefit women who live "in remote parts of the kingdom where employment is even harder to find."
It is reported that by "2020 the kingdom wants to boost the proportion of women in the workforce to 28 percent from 23 percent last year."
Saudi women battle for their rights
Women in the country are still fighting for their rights, these include the right to drive, work and travel without the consent of a male guardian.
Through >online activism and offline campaigns, the country's women have constantly been breaking barriers, with many succeeding and setting >inspirational examples.
Only last week the hashtag سعودية_وأقدر (Saudi Woman and I can) -which is still being used on Twitter- was trending with many of its tweets coming in response to the hashtag لاني_سعوديه_ما_اقدر (Because I'm a Saudi Woman, I Cannot).
While both hashtags included the views of those who are supporting the fight for women's rights and those who are not, there were many clear calls for women to enter the workforce.
Some are calling on women to fulfill their ambitions

"Telework and work from home will help women contribute to the country's social advancement"
"I am a Saudi woman and I can be the person I want to be."
'I am a Saudi woman and I can fulfill my endless ambitions and create the future that I dream of."
And others are highlighting the obstacles
"If the opportunity was given to many Saudi women to be creative and independent, there would have been an incredible explosion of positive energy. I have seen so many brilliant minds go to waste, simply because they belonged to women."
"I am a Saudi woman and I can, but first my male guardian must approve, in addition to my family, the neighbors and everyone else. This goes on until I am no longer even willing to do anything."