With the rise in anti-Islamic sentiment in the West and the often negative portrayal of Muslims in the media, many Muslims have gone >the extra mile to remind the world that terrorists do not represent the faith in its true form. 

A photo that has recently gone viral serves as one of many great examples. 

The image, which was taken in a bus in London, shows a Muslim woman holding the hand of an old lady who collapsed and got her head stuck between the door and a metal pole.

The post has been making the rounds on social media, with many users praising the Muslim woman for showing "the real face of Islam". It has garnered almost 60 thousand shares on Facebook at the time of writing.

Hamza Bakri, who had witnessed the incident, took the photo and recounted what happened on his Facebook page. 

Bakri explained that the 84-year-old lady had fallen down after the bus driver drove over a "drain", causing the vehicle to go off-balance. Her head got stuck between the door and a metal pole.

The Muslim lady, who covers her face with the Islamic burqa, held her hand and comforted her for 20 minutes as they waited for the ambulance to arrive. 

"This is the real Islam," Bakri wrote. "The media won't show the real Muslims, [it] only shows fake ones."

The post warmed the hearts of thousands of people online

"There is no such thing as a Muslim terrorist"

Why is this news?

Whether in the news or on television, Muslims are often stereotypically linked to violence by the mainstream media. With Islamophobia on the >rise in the West, shedding light on Muslims who are challenging the hate with acts of kindness and >humanitarian initiatives is crucial.

The photo comes after two terrorist attacks hit the United Kingdom within two months, the latest being the >London bridge attack that took place in early June. The city has witnessed a five-fold increase in Islamophobic violence since, London's mayor recently announced.