1. Boys = No

Boyfriends, boy friends, boys in study groups, boys as your colleagues and boys in general are all just a big nope to dads.
If he walks and talks like a boy, he's out of the picture, khalas. No further information needed (even if it's important information like he's gay).
2. Cabs = private taxi companies only

As girls, we've already got antennas for shady taxi drivers. Experience teaches us that this is a serious decision that we need to make every day.
To dads? That's not enough. You either get a cab from a safe company or you stay home. Simply.
3. Driving safely = driving us crazy

This is told best with an anecdote. When I finally got my driving license in Dubai, my dad flew over and decided to "really" teach me how to drive. For six days, we drove each other crazy, having screaming matches in the car, with him never believing once that I passed my test on the first try.
Fathers, being so overprotective, get so paranoid of the other drivers on the road when their daughters are driving. They doubt everyone's driving ability and driving with them becomes infuriating.
4. Internet posts = airing dirty laundry
Being a 90's kids, we learned to never tell our friends and schoolmates about our family lives. But as millennials, we learned to put everything personal on the Internet for everyone to see.
This includes pictures, thoughts, credit cards numbers, even addresses (I need my pizza). Then Facebook opened its membership to people outside of university networks, and Dad sent you a friend request and your relationship has never been the same since.
5. You = Rapunzel
While going out is always somewhat of a struggle, staying out late is completely out of the question. You're always bombarded with "who is it with, where will you be, when are you coming back" and countless other questions.
By the time he actually lets you go out, there's no point. I'm sure it would be easier to leave a tower in the middle of nowhere guarded by a dragon.
6. Dads = weird fashion police
When, miraculously, you're allowed to go out, he needs to approve your outfit. So, consequently, you're outfit must exclude the followings: shorts, skirts, dresses, low cut shirts, spaghetti straps, oh and anything that shows skin where it could be covered.
I know people may think that I'm exaggerating, but really, my mom and dad argue over his compulsive need to control what I want to wear when I'm going out.
7. Having brothers = your first sense of global injustice
If you have brothers, you know the hardships and injustice that comes with that territory. It's completely ridiculous that when you ask for the same things, you don't get the same result.
My brothers could basically get away with murder, while I can't even go out to buy candy from the dekkene across the street.
And dad's reasoning? "Eh, howwe sabbe, inti binit."
Lah, walla?
8. Arab dads = whatsapp photo police
My father literally sends me thumbs up and down emojis every time I change my profile photo.
I don't know why it bothers them so much if you have a photo on whatsapp not fit to their liking. You either take a picture with your (girl) friends, your family, or just yourself. Anything else is unacceptable.
They seem to think that so many messages can be conveyed from the how "appropriate" a profile picture can be.