Dubai's Metro system is a great advanced way of transportation for the residents and visitors of our beautiful city. All trains are fully automated, driverless, and together with stations, are completely air-conditioned.
If you use Dubai's Metro regularly, you will most likely find a certain type of characters co-commuting on the train. If you can't relate to any of these personalities on the list, you're probably one of them.
Here are 8 types of people you just can't avoid on Dubai's Metro:
1. The lost tourist
The tourist who looks at the Dubai Metro map with all the confusion in the world as they try to figure out the green and red lines, colours, dots, and names of the stations. It’s almost like a mystery for someone new to Dubai. If you find that type of passenger, be kind, patient and make sure you help out.
2. The observant one

There is always that one person who just can't stop staring at you. Whether it's accidental or on purpose, either way, it's awkward and makes people uncomfortable. Don't be that person.
3. The heavy commuter
The lone traveller who commutes to work with ten suitcases, his laptop, computer, rucksack, and enough food for a month. He/she will most likely occupy more than one seat whilst others may have to stand. Well, thank you, dear...
4. The over-friendly traveller
The traveller who likes to engage in meaningless conversations and feels the need to comment on everything, as friendly as he/she might be, not everyone is interested in conversing, especially in the morning hours...
5. The important one
The person who talks loudly on his phone making sure everybody knows how important he/she is... Annoying indeed.
6. The music lover
You have the type of passenger who sings out loud, and others who play their music at full volume on their headphones, so loud that you could actually dance to the music if you wanted to.
7. The one who accidentally travels in the women-only carriage
Yeah, just don't be that guy...
8. The selfie-taker
Selfie here, selfie there... You can't avoid the notorious selfie-takers on your commute, that's for sure.