A Syrian family who recently arrived to Canada have decided to name their newborn son after the host country's leader Justin Trudeau. It was a tribute to the Canadian Prime Minister for welcoming thousands of refugees into the country, and his vocal stances against Islamophobia.
"... We love Prime Minister Justin Trudeau ... We find here humanity towards all people, they accept all cultures here," the newborn's father Hussam Eddin Alahmad told CBC News.
Hussam Eddin, his wife Sherin Alahmad, their daughter 2-year-old Ezdihar and new born son have been in Canada since January after feeling war-torn Syria.
Justin was born on Friday. The baby boy who is only a few days old already has a mop of dark hair that may one day rival the dark locks of his famous namesake.
Just 2 weeks ago, on January 28, Trudeau tweeted that all refugees are welcome in Canada, saying: "Diversity is our strength." This followed U.S. President Donald Trump's 'Muslim Ban', that has now been blocked.
The journey of the Alahmad family from war-ridden Aleppo to Canada took an arduous 5 years. They spent some time in the Middle East and the United States before finally (and thankfully) settling in North York, Toronto.
It's been difficult, and the challenges have also only just begun. Hussam Eddin's wife does not speak English, nor do they have an apartment to call their own.
But, Justin (the baby), gives his family hope. They are finally in a place where they have the chance to live and thrive.