Danish man charged with blasphemy after burning the Quran

This would be just the fourth time anyone has been prosecuted since the law was implemented in 1866.
The Grand Mosque of Copenhagen, Denmark Source: WikiMedia

A Danish man, identified on Facebook as John Salvesen, burned the Quran in 2015, and is now being charged with blasphemy - the first case in the country since 1971.

The 42-year-old man not only burned the holy book, but uploaded the footage on the Facebook group "Yes to Freedom — No to Islam" with a caption that read: 

"Consider your neighbor, it stinks when it burns," according to the New York Times

The man's official name has not yet been released, as Danish law requires a public announcement of names only after a person has been convicted. 

When the video began making the rounds online, Salvesen was charged with hate speech. The charge was later changed to blasphemy, a decision prosecutors took on Wednesday. 

His lawyer Rasmus Paludan said his client burned the Quran in "self defense."

"The Quran contains passages on how Mohammed’s followers must kill the infidel, i.e. the Danes," he said

"Therefore, it’s an act of self-defense to burn a book that in such a way incites war and violence."

A trial has been scheduled for June.

In Denmark, burning holy books including the Quran and the Bible is considered a violation of the penal code that deals with "religious scorn and public mockery," according to The IndependentThe country does not consider the burning of the flag a punishable crime. 

This would be the fourth time anyone has been prosecuted since the law was implemented in the country in 1866. 

Only two of those charged were actually convicted.  The last crime in which the people received a sentence occurred in 1946 - when two men dressed as priests acted out a "baptism" during a masquerade ball in Copenhagen. 

The last case happened in 1971, when two Denmark Radio producers aired a song mocking Christianity. 

In 1938, four people were sentenced for putting up posters and leaflets that mocked Jewish teachings. 

Salvesen's lawyer brought up an incident in 1997 when a Danish artist burned a copy of the Bible on TV - but was not charged. 

"Considering that it is legal to burn a Bible in Denmark, I’m surprised then that it would be guilty to burn the Quran," he told the New York Times

Denmark is one of five countries in the European Union that has a blasphemy law on holy books. 

Thanks Marine Le Pen. People now think Lebanon doesn't tolerate coexistence

A country that is a melting pot of people from 18 different sects ... is now seen as an intolerant one.

France's far-right presidential candidate Marine Le Pen did a really great job during her visit to Lebanon. 

She made international headlines and gave the world something to see, particularly with her refusal to wear a headscarf for a scheduled meeting with the country's Grand Mufti Abdul Latif Derian – despite the fact that she had been informed of the requirements prior to the meeting.

As a result, the meeting was cancelled. 

"You can pass on my respects to the Grand Mufti, but I will not cover myself up," she said on Tuesday, according to CNN.

Her stance has earned her the praise of far-right wingers and Islamophobes alike, and while international media hailed her decision, most left out one important detail: Her refusal goes against the rules of Dar al-Fatwa, Lebanon's highest Sunni authority, and would have probably gone overlooked had the meeting taken place elsewhere. 

Lebanon’s Grand Mufti with Polish Deputy Foreign Minister H.E. Joanna Wronecka in Poland, 2016 Source: www.msz.gov.pl

But, it's not just about disrespecting the rules of the religious government institution. 

Its about painting an entire country as backward and regressive. 

Some may argue that she had every right to refuse wearing the hijab. Maybe in the realm of the absolute, this is true. 

But, not the way she did it. Not by taking a stand to pander to Islamophobes and right-wingers. Not by making it seem that Christians in the country have been persecuted, discriminated against, treated poorly - all because of Muslims.

And definitely not by using an entire nation as an electoral platform, especially a nation that has come a long way since sectarian strife broke Lebanon into pieces. 

But, thank God for sarcasm, right? 

Lebanon's sectarian civil war ended in 1990 and it took us 27 years to rebuild unity. 27 years of preaching acceptance and tolerance. 27 years of fighting against sectarianism. 

It's not perfect. No. But at least we've finally come to terms with the notion of acceptance. 

Sectarianism still exists within society, within government. 

But we're no longer fighting in the streets. Instead, today's generation is fighting back. Today's generation doesn't see sectarian division as the answer, but recognizes it as the problem. 

But Le Pen wants to play by her rules alone. She wants to play hero even at our expense. 

Thanks to her, the world has made a joke of our country. 

A photo of Trudeau in a hijab has been making the rounds on Reddit

"BREAKING: Justin Trudeau has a meeting with Lebanon," the caption reads, suggesting that Canada's liberal PM would only be able to visit the country wearing a headscarf.

Shame on people for making a joke out of a hijab. Shame on people for actually believing that Lebanon does not tolerate and accept various religions. 

A country that is a melting pot of people from 18 different sects ... is now seen as an intolerant one. Thank you Le Pen. Really.

Just FYI Le Pen ... we live for co-existence in Lebanon. Maybe you should take note?

Muslim and Christian leaders standing together in Lebanon.

Tyre, a predominately Muslim town in South Lebanon, lit up its Christmas trees back in December

And the Muslim-majority city of Tripoli too ...

A mosque and church are loving neighbors in downtown Beirut

Remember that time when Lebanon's Archbishop visited wounded Muslims after the #BeirutBombing of Nov 2015?

Following the November 2015 Beirut bombings – when two suicide bombers blew themselves up in Bourj al-Barajneh in the southern suburbs of Beirut – Archbishop Gabriele Caccia, the Vatican nuncio to Lebanon, visited all those wounded. 

The wounded were all said to be Muslim, according to the Catholic Herald.

"God loves tolerance, and he is bigger than any desire for vengeance," Caccia said during the visit. 

"Lebanon’s message of diversity should be preserved" and it should stand out "despite all crises."

The bombing killed 43 civilians and wounded more than 200.

'Lebanon is more than a country – it is a message.' - Pope Jean Paul II

The words of Pope Jean Paul II from 20 years ago still ring true today: "Lebanon is more than a country: it is a message of freedom and an example of pluralism for East and West."

The late Pope made this statement during his 1997 visit to Lebanon. We will remember his message Marine, not yours. 

Thanks for stopping by, but don't come back any time soon. 

Nadine Mazloum contributed to this post.