8 tweets about #ArabSkin you'll relate to

A big part of owning your #ArabSkin is by having the confidence to, simply, BE YOU. Clean & Clear's #seetherealme campaign is all about helping your real beauty shine through.

There's something about Arab physical traits that you wouldn't trade for the world. Maybe it's the diversity in the way we look, the way you tan easily, and the way few of us suffer from sunburn.

8 tweets portray that perfectly:

1. Arab skin is diverse

2. "Arab" is not a skin color

3. We suffer from pale skin just the same

4. Regardless, most of us can sit in the scorching heat for hours

5. Without getting roasted that is

6. Skin problems like to visit before big occasions

7. Ain't nowhere in the Arab world you can escape the humidity

8. According to your mom, your skin problems = universal karma

In the end, we all want flawless, shiny skin. But nothing shines through like self-confidence. Remember that! 

Lebanese hacks: how to beat the traffic

These tips will help you not lose your temper.

Driving is a hectic experience for most, especially with our very own special "tricks" that do nothing but drive us crazy.

 Driving on constantly jammed roads leads us to the brink of insanity, and while sometimes they can't be helped, perhaps, we can help you?

When to avoid driving

We've all experienced being stuck in traffic because there's no way around it. But, if you can, try avoiding driving at these times:

Rush hour is usually 4 to 6 pm. Try to avoid driving at these times from anywhere, even if that means putting in more hours at work. Think of it as either spending time in your car or in a room. 

Driving up to the mountains on a Friday evening or a Saturday morning is a death sentence. So is driving down to the city on a Sunday evening, you'll be stuck in hours of traffic and will come home even more exhausted than you imagined. 

Jale El Dib highway is very often crowded, but if you're going to to Beirut   make sure it's not from 7 to 10 am, and the opposite (on the way to Jounieh) from 1 to 7 pm.

If you're planning to go via the seaside road (Raouche), make sure it's not between 11 am to 1 pm. If you're planning to use that road before 11, make sure you give yourself an hour's time.

Cornice il mazra'a is a terror when traffic jammed, so try to avoid driving there in peak hours in the morning, from 9 to 10 am, and in the afternoon, especially 2 pm until 6 pm. 

Hamra street is a vortex. Like the Hotel California: you can check in anytime you like but you can never leave.  

The people to avoid when driving in traffic:

Unfortunately, sometimes, you can't avoid the traffic. However, these tips will help you not lose your temper. I mean truly, some drivers are wild.

The worst place to be is stuck behind a truck or "kamyoon". Besides a lot of them holding cargo that isn't attached safely, they move way too slowly. As soon as you can, overtake them. 

When you see a car or van with a red plate in front of you, get away from that mess. Taxis will stop any minute they see a pedestrian, and don’t care if it's abrupt and you almost slam into them.

No matter how many times you tell someone that texting and driving is wrong, you'll still find people who do it. Especially during traffic, and their excuse? "Il seyr msaker."

But it stops them from moving when the road finally opens up, and breaking suddenly when they see how they've close they are to the car in front of them. Their attention is diverted, and you should just move to the next lane.