Lebanon is still an unsolved mystery to people who’ve been living in the country for decades, even more so to the ones who are just visiting.
We all know that our lives aren't exactly normal, but truth be told we wouldn’t have it any other way (well maybe we'd like to change a thing or two).
In hopes of helping others (and ourselves) understand this complex reality, we present these Lebanese models in all their glory.
Here's to hoping we can all one day make sense of it all, but we're not holding our breath.
1. Crossing the highway like Mad Max

We don't even know why we have crosswalks to begin with ... because they naturally transform into just another parking spot!
2. How the 2000 LBP "service" system works

And how this system actually encourages people to ride with strangers ... something we were taught to avoid ever since we were kids!
Best part of all: you can even ask for weather forecasts and/or local news updates during the ride.
3. Our "ejet el kahraba" celebrations at 6 pm
And the whole process of doing what you couldn’t do when the moteur (private generator) was on.
Yalla! Time to turn on 5 ACs, the blow-dryer, washing machine, dryer and iron ... all at the same time. Oh, heaven!
4. How we have no official addresses

Asking someone on the road is always your best bet. Google Maps, on the other hand, is not.
5. How we came up with words only we understand

Dapraset, angaret, sayavet ... welcome to our English-Arabic hybrid dictionary.
6. How gum is used as a currency

1 Mini Chiclets = 250 LPB ... because "ma fee srafeh"
7. The "keb el salle" phenomenon

Salle + Rope + Balcony = a very innovative mechanism which gives you full access to the dekene downstairs without having to leave the comfort of your home (or balcony).
8. How we can call everyone habibi

Whether it's your brother, mother, neighbor or stranger ... habibi is the only way we know how to address people.
We like to go big or go home.