Arabs are curious by nature, but sometimes that curiosity translates to a series of intrusive questions that you choose not to answer.
But, more often than not, the questions themselves cannot be answered ... because not even you know the answer.
Here's a basic guide:
1. Leh ba3dek matjawazte?

Wallahi ... if I knew why, I would be doing whatever it takes to change it. But I don't, so ... bye.
P.S. No, I won't marry your son, thank you.
2. Habibi jeet? Your parents ask ... as soon as you walk into the house
No ma jeet, you just saw my clone enter the house literally 2 seconds ago...
3. Leh daher? Ma 3am nshufak

Despite the fact that you literally hung out with your parents for 7 hours the day before...
They just live to guilt-trip you for everything you do.
4. Shu e3ed 3am ta3mel?
I'm sitting down, trying to relax ... because ma bade a3mel shi!
What else do people do when they're sitting down? Build a spaceship?
5. Leh ma feeki tkoone mitil bent 3amek?
Believe it or not, human beings are born differently (thankfully) and that's what makes us interesting.
6. Waynon mosreyetak? They ask ... when you ask them for money
I swear I wouldn't have asked you for money if I had some in my wallet ... or piggy bank ... or safe.
7. Leh mkhaza2 el jeans?
Because I fell down and couldn't afford to go to the tailor to get it fixed. If you want, you can donate some money and I'll get it stitched.