Love songs in the region are always emotional and romance-filled... add to that the well-known sarcasm of Arabs and you get the best of parodies. 

Here are seven examples of popular hit songs that inspired endless jokes:

1. 3 Dadaqat

"3 Daqat" is still taking the Arab world by storm and has amassed over 230 million views on Youtube since its release in the summer of 2017. 

With its growing popularity, a number of Egyptians took it upon themselves to make various parodies targeting this song... and the results are nothing less than your usual jaw-cracking Egyptian humor. 

2. Khadny El Hanin

Source: Vetogate

"I was brought here by nostalgia, and I don't have any money to go back."

Mohamed Fouad's popular song "Khadny El Hanin" was released back in 2005 as part of his movie "Ghawi hob."

3. Ya Men Hawah

The popular song "Ya Men Hawah" is inspired by an old Arabic love poem. 

In one of the lines, the song goes like this: "How can I to reunite with you, guide me"... to which one can jokingly reply "just take the nearest U-turn and come back again."

4. Ya Albaha

"Ya Albaha" by Amr Diab includes interesting lyrics that invited some heavy trolling: 

"Oh from the air in her eyes... Is it in her eyes? Is she using contact lenses with fans?"

5. Garali Eh

"- What happened to me? What happened to me? What happened to me?

-Bas, bas, shut your mouth!"

6. Lafetha Belad

The song, released in 2013, is mainly a tribute to Arab women... but ironically, the following argument erupted: "In most of your songs, you're surrounded by non-Arab models ya Amr."

7. Ya Salam

This popular song by Ehab Toufic was released in 2005 and since it actually has 88 "Ya salams," it's never too late to troll it.