Egyptians and food, it's a love story. We love going out and trying new flavors. But what happens when everything gets in the way?
Here's a list that'll walk you through it, particularly in places like Alexandria.
We hope it'll help you avoid the unpleasant moments that could compromise your Egyptian dining experience.
1. Surprise "service and VAT fees"

There’s always an extra 20 or 30 Egyptian pounds to pay just for "service and tax" ... which is always an intrusive surprise that kills the mood without fail.
The fees can sometimes go up to 100 pounds depending on the percentage the restaurant/café allocates.
Make sure you ask before ordering. It'll save you the trouble.
2. Items in the menu that don’t exist
Deciding on what to order is a tough enough... But sadly all the time and effort spent on making the decision can sometimes go to waste because the waiter can simply give you that bemusing response, “mesh 3andena walahy” (It’s not available).
In some places, you’re forced to keep repeating the process until you finally find something that is actually available.
Make sure you pick a back-up, or two. It may save you some time.
3. Minimum Charge…
Nothing feels worse than when you’re out with friends or family and you ask for the bill as you're preparing to leave, and the waiter tells you: “fe minimum sharge ya fandem” (Sir, there’s a minimum charge).
That's just another way to force you to pay for items you did not order; something you should be made aware of when you enter a restaurant as opposed to when you're leaving.
The ministry of tourism has recently banned the minimum charge but there are still many places that do this illegally.
Ask before ordering. It doesn't hurt.
4. Waiters decide how much you tip them
When you settle the bill expecting to receive your change, the waiter may return part or none of it at all.
Don't be alarmed. It's the waiters who decide the amount of money you tip them. They expect you not to make a scene about it because they assume that this extra money wouldn’t really matter to you and you’d just move on.
5. Paid parking spots or none at all
Taking your car to go out to places in Alexandria can be a very regretful decision.
On many occasions, you either resort to parking your car kilometers away from your destination if the restaurant/café doesn’t provide any parking spots or you pay an extra fee to park in the parking spots they provide.
Expenses... they just keep adding up!
Don't say we didn't warn you!