The moment you take this life-changing decision, you know you're in for endless interrogations by your entire entourage.

When you finally make up your mind on moving out of your parents' house and to another country, you're confronted with society's comeback to your decision.

Here are 13 responses you're bound to get from your family and friends when you announce you're moving away: 

1. "El gherbe saabe"

"Living abroad is hard."  

A statement you've probably heard a few million times before you even reached your 20th birthday... and is usually said by someone who has never moved houses. 

2. "Wait like... forever, ever?"

For some reason, everyone is always paranoid about the idea of you never coming back. 

3. "But it's so cold"

No matter where you're going, Arabs are constantly convinced you'll be wrapped in 15 layers of clothes and trapped indoors because of an everlasting snowstorm.

4. "Do you know any Arab living there?"

Arabs like to assume there's no way you're moving anywhere unless you know at least one Arab/Muslim/person who shares your nationality. 

5. "So you're going to be all alone? Just you?"

Even if you'll be sharing an apartment with three other people, that'll translate into "going to die alone" for them. 

6. "No matter what you do, don't marry a non-Arab/non-Muslim"

Ummm, I'm just going away for two years to study and come back... but sure khalto, I will keep that in mind. 

7. "You're not going to be rich"

The motivation and reason behind your move might be work, but Arabs tend to assume you're only doing it to collect a few millions. 

They want you to know in advance that you should cancel all your plans because that's not going to happen. 

8. "Is it really that bad?"

Or "do you need the money that bad?" if they're brave enough to say it. 

Of course, this statement comes with the preconception that your move has to do with just money. 

9. "You're so brave, I could never do it"

Thanks, I guess? 

10. "What are you going to eat?"

My plan is to starve to death, actually... but thanks for your concern. 

11. "How will you survive without a housekeeper?"

God will help me take care of myself and the house... like normal people do.

12. "Don't forget to pack kebbe and mloukhiye"

Some meals are impossible to prepare once you move abroad. Must be the climate or something. 

13. "Well, good luck"

Once you've made up your mind and they know there's no coming back, they wish you good luck... with an eye roll or a sarcastic voice, low-key foreshadowing how difficult your life is about to be.