Lebanese singer Lady Madonna has always been known as one of the most unique fashion icons in the region.
The star is a trailblazer who can seriously pull off looks so bizarre, no one else would even dare put them on, except if it's for Halloween.
Since the holiday is upon us, let's all get some costume inspiration from the Lady herself.
1. Make a Lady Madonna inspired entrance... feathers and all
2. Or take everyone by surprise with something like this...
3. A chick inspired costume might do the trick
4. This bizarre creation could work as well
5. Cruella de Vil?
6. Want to really scare people?
7. Wear this to the party...
8. Or this...
9. Why not go an extra step further?
Let's just call this the freaky Halloween Christmas tree.
10. You could even don an all orange costume...
Because... why not?
11. And if you really want to stand out...
Try an LED costume.
12. Or do this...
13. You'll never run out of Halloween ideas
Because... Lady Madonna.
Bonus round: A Halloween costume designed by the lady herself for Miss Lebanon