Whether you like it or not, there's something about Arabic music that just gets everyone going. From the old classics that bring tears to the upbeat wedding songs, there's a song for every single mood in the world.

Here are 11 emotions Arabic music makes you feel, according to Twitter:

1. Annoyed: The song just sticks to your head

2. Hyper: Because all you want to do is dance

3. Excited: Because some more dancing

4. In love: Even if you're single

5. Frustrated: Because you can't sing Arabic for life

6. Biased: Shunning someone who doesn't love your music

7. Emotional: For no reason whatsoever

8. Relaxed: Because nothing's better than sitting back and reminiscing

9. Super hyper: Because you know you can't NOT dance when Arabic music is on

10. FREEEEEE! Because that's the spirit

11. Encouraged and motivated: Just because