From their ruthless comebacks to their ridiculously high standards, Arab parents pretty much represent what it means to be "savage."
Forget Urban Dictionary and whatnot, we're here to explain to you exactly what the term "savage" means when used on social media.
1. Tabboule wars are no joke

This mother commented "My tabboule tastes better" under a restaurant's Facebook post because, come on, nothing beats an Arab mama's cooking.
2. Arab dads take persuasion to a whole other level

"My dad asked me to stand on this chair and fix the light bulb, saying that he has three daughters apart from me while we only have one father."
Arab dad persuasion skills FTW!
3. Texting an Arab parent is pretty much an extreme sport
Kids, take note: Arab dads demand a 100 percent accuracy level at all times.
4. Exhibit B:

Hell hath no fury like an Arab mama scorned!
5. Men are trash ... and this dad agrees
"Daughter: Are men trash or not?
Father: They are even worse than trash."
6. Arab moms are all about tough love

This mom is so savage she removed her son from the group titled "My Dear Children."
7. And blatant honesty ...
"Today, mom got mad at my sister and I and said, 'I will feel embarrassed in front of my friends in heaven when they notice that all my children are in hell.'"
8. Even when it means making some oh-so-flattering comparisons

Finding creative ways to roast their kids is definitely their strong suit.
9. Our parents don't exactly avoid being problematic
Raise your hand if "Oh no, we've disturbed the mayonnaise" will become your new catchphrase.
10. You simply shouldn't mess with your mama

"Mom, I can't believe this woman is older than you," the daughter had sent her mom, with a picture of Lebanese singer Najwa Karam.
The woman then hilariously responded with: "She didn't give birth to weirdos like you. She relaxed and lived for herself."
Add cold water to that BURN!