According to Expatistan, a crowdsourced database that allows people to compare the cost of living between cities around the world, Doha, Qatar, has been found to have the highest cost of living in the Arab world.
The online tool, which is described as the "Wikipedia of prices," uses data collected from hundreds of thousands of visitors to calculate their price index, which is updated every month.
"At the moment, there are around 2,124,000 prices entered by 229,500 users in 2,194 different cities."
Other Arab cities featured on the website's Middle East ranking include: Dubai, ranked second, Abu Dhabi, ranked third, Jeddah, ranked fourth, and Beirut, ranked fifth.
What is the cost of living index?
To calculate each city's Price Index value, Expatistan starts "by assigning a value of 100 to a central reference city (that happens to be Prague). Once the reference point has been established, the Price Index value of every other city in the database is calculated by comparing their cost of living to the cost of living in Prague."
Therefore, if a city has a Price Index of 134, that means living there is 34% more expensive than living in Prague.
The website sees thousands enter prices daily

So how do Arab cities rank?

Latest top 10 world ranking