Arab moms can be quite unique in their ways.
They have perfected the idea of guilt-tripping their kids, they have intentionally, yet unintentionally passed on their phobias to their children, and have established a language that is only understood by close members of the family.
Their list of skills is long enough to make a music album. But, what would our moms name the songs?
*Drumroll please* ...
1. The one that makes you feel worthless

The song is not your average 3-minute song. It goes on for 52 minutes and 58 seconds.
Warning: You will never be in the mood for this one. EVER.
2. The one that will arouse your fears

The sound effects are so powerful in this one ... so powerful that you'll feel as though a shahata is coming your way ... in 3,2,1.
3. The one that is constantly playing in the background

Your love life will never be left alone and this song is here to remind you of this very fact.
4. The one that preaches mannerisms through and through

Thank you superstitions.
5. The one that reminds you of the forgotten concept of "mind your own business"

The song also reminds you that there will never be such a concept for as long as you live.
6. The one that will cure you when you're sick

*So what we get sick ... So what we drink 7up ... So what we take Panadol ... We're just trying to get better ... Mom don't care who sees ... So we don't go out ... Because she's afraid ... cuz we're young, wild and free ...*
7. The one that MUST be played over the normal volume limit

To fit the theme of the song.
8. The one about the power of hand gestures

As soon as the hand goes up ... the kids start running. That's the definition of power.
9. The one that reminds you of priorities

It's always about the Tupperware. That will never change. Let that sink in.
10. The one that plays every time you want to leave the house

Summer, fall, winter, spring ... whatever the season, this song will be playing at all times.
11. The one that explains the level of drama you have to deal with on a daily basis

Because disappear for 5 minutes ... and the whole world will think you were kidnapped because #ArabMoms are dramatic that way.
12. The one about every mom's favorite "ductoor" son

Because all other career options are irrelevant.