My biggest pet peeve is when someone tells me that I don't look Libyan. Or my favorite line: "I thought Libyans were ugly." So what does a Libyan look like exactly? I can tell you what they look like.
Some are thin, some are fat and some in between. Some are tall, some are short and some in between. Some are black, some are white or brown and some are shades in between. Some have black hair, or brown hair, or red hair, or blonde hair (or shades in between). Some have afros, some have curly hair, wavy hair, straight hair and every texture in between, or even no hair. Some have black eyes, or brown eyes, hazel eyes, green eyes, gray eyes, or blue eyes. So without further ado, I present to you some Libyans for your viewing pleasure.
Here’s a Libyan
This is another Libyan
Wait another Libyan
Here’s a blue-eyed Libyan … yeah we got some of those
Wait … More Libyans
So many Libyans ...
Ack, more Libyans. But I saved the cutest for last.
This post is a StepFeed Community post, written by a guest contributor. Alaa Badi also blogs at Lala’s Ramblings . If you’re interested in contributing to the StepFeed Community, please contact