When you think of Arabs while traveling, you think overpacking, bags of zaa'tar, packs of pita bread and overly dramatic goodbyes at the airport.

The way Arabs travel is not something easily understood by people around the globe. It's a completely different world for Westerners ... for a number of reasons. 

Here's a basic guide: 

1. On airports: Westerners have perfected organization, Arabs define chaos

2. On goodbyes: Westerners are usually accompanied by 2 people max ...

Arabs have a whole army behind them

3. On packing: Westerners are known for traveling light

Arabs live to fit unnecessary goods in their luggage ...

4. On luggage restrictions: Westerners follow the rules, Arabs rebel

5. On queuing: Westerners get the concept quite well ...

Arabs don't ... so they create their own queue instead

7. On random security checks: Only Arabs will get this one

Traveling for Arabs is truly a skill!