According to the latest KPMG report, the UAE has been rated most prepared for change in the MENA region, and third most prepared in the world.
The 2017 Change Readiness Index (CRI) ranked 136 countries and indicates the capability of a country – its government, private and public enterprises, people and wider civil society – to anticipate, prepare for, manage, and respond to a wide range of changes.
Examples of change include shocks such as financial and social instability and natural disasters, political and economic opportunities, and risks such as technology, competition, and changes in government.
Ranked 3rd internationally
The UAE came third, just behind two European countries - Switzerland topped the list and Sweden came second.
The information was collected from 1400 experts and secondary sources such as the World Economic Forum, World Bank International Monetary Fund and United Nations.
Overall results for the Arab world:
- UAE (Global ranking 3rd)
- Qatar (Global ranking 19th)
- Saudi Arabia (Global ranking 26th)
- Jordan (Global ranking 38th)
- Tunisia (Global ranking 55th)
- Morocco (Global ranking 57th)
- Iran (Global ranking 90th)
- Lebanon (Global ranking 92nd)
- Egypt (Global ranking 100th)
- Algeria (Global ranking 103rd)
- Libya (Global ranking 117th)
- Yemen (Global ranking 126th)
- Syria (Global ranking 135th)