You start off your life believing you can achieve anything you set your mind to. Then you reach college, enroll in a four-year program, and anticipate being part of the workforce by the age of 22. Reality hits: you're low on money, so you find a part-time job; you're late on your studies, so take fewer credits a semester; soon enough you're 23 with two more years to graduate.
Now, imagine after all the struggle and that same four-year program - if you didn't switch to another major during the first year - and you end up with a badly designed graduation gown.
To some people, they just want to get the college life over with even if it means walking on the stage wearing a white polka-dotted pistachio gown. To others, fashion comes first.
This year's graduating class at Saudi Arabia's Taibah University are part of the second (less happy) scenario. It all started when university students - mainly women - went to pick up the newly redesigned black and blue garments.
The most hated graduation robe ever?
"Imagine I work hard for four years and I wait and wait and end up with this? I won't laugh because I don't want to be in their shoes next year."
Things quickly went down hill after all of them absolutely hated the outfit and couldn't imagine wearing it for graduation.
The students raided Twitter in an attempt to vent their frustration over the matter. The result? A viral hashtag through which they hilariously trolled the gowns and turned their misfortune into internet gold.
"No, no, I can't believe this"
"What's with the swords and palm tree?"
"I'm sad about the 95 riyals ($25), I could've invited myself to a restaurant"
"The difference between the sky and earth"
"It's OK, at least I am graduating" ... not
"Postpone graduation till next year" ... now isn't that a brilliant solution?
"This year's graduates when they saw their gowns"
Some had a few words to share with whoever designed it
"The students with the designer"
"It looks like the graduation ceremony will take place at a church"
"Give me back my money, I don't want to graduate with your robe"
Few were the ones who didn't mind it
"It's OK, the most important thing is that you graduated and you're done with college."
And even fewer who just wanted to stumble out of college
"I'd be OK with wearing a garbage bag, I just want to graduate."