On Monday, authorities in Abu Dhabi ordered the arrest of three social media influencers for partaking in the viral #KikiChallenge in the middle of the road.
The #KikiChallenge consists of people jumping out of moving cars and dancing to Canadian rapper Drake's song 'In My Feelings'.
"They have violated the public order and used the social media sites to promote practices that are incompatible with the values and traditions of society," read a statement from the Abu Dhabi Judicial Department.
Authorities warned that taking part in the challenge is a crime punishable by law. Those caught performing the challenge will be faced with imprisonment, a fine, or both under Federal Penal Code and Law No. 21 of 1995 regarding traffic law, according to Gulf News.
"23 black points"
"The law gives police the power to arrest any person who drives their vehicle in a dangerous manner that can endanger the lives of the public," Emirati lawyer Yousuf Al Bahar told Gulf News.
People who film themselves performing the challenge will be faced with a 2,000 dirham fine ($545), 23 black points on their driver's licenses, and have their cars seized for 60 days.
"We disapprove of young people adopting such foreign trends"
Brigadier Khalifa Al Khaili, the director of Abu Dhabi Traffic and Patrols Directorate, said such practices go against traditions.
"We don't approve of this trend, as this practice has intruded into our societies, it was never part of our traditions," he said, according to The National.
"We disapprove of young people adopting such foreign trends," he added.
Not the only Arab country to ban the challenge
This comes a day after the challenge was banned in Egypt. According to Egyptian Streets, taking part in the challenge is illegal by law, and those who take part will be fined.
The "Egyptian law forbids any vehicle driver from driving without closing the door's of their vehicles or driving slower than the required minimum speed limits specified," said a lawyer who is based in the country.