Popular Saudi actor and comedian Nasser Al Gassabi came under fire after making a comment about atheists during a television appearance last week.
Al Gassabi was a guest on MBC's live Ramadan talk show "Majmouat Insaan," when he stated that to him, genuine atheists have more faith than believers.
"Not everyone has this faith we live with, some people need to search, ask questions and sometimes live their whole lives without finding answers," the actor said.
He added that he respects those who search for the truth regardless of whether they end up believing in God or not. During the discussion, the host also asked Al Gassabi why he tolerates a philosophy so different than his, to which he replied saying:
"Because an atheist's faith is greater than mine. I was born and became a believer without asking questions and that was it. But an atheist is still looking for this faith and to God, this genuine search makes him/her more important."
Al Gassabi's statement sparked a Twitter controversy
The actor's comment went viral all over Saudi social media just hours after his episode ended. Given that atheism is still a taboo topic in the ultra-conservative kingdom, it sparked a heated Twitter controversy that has yet to cool down.
For some, Al Gassabi's comments were outrageous and offensive. However, others made sense of the actor's rhetoric and found it respectable.
Many were having absolutely none of it
"Atheists are non-believers, people who don't acknowledge the existence of God. And they don't believe in anything, so how is their faith great?"
And attacked Al Gassabi's point of view
"An atheist denies God's existence. There can be no comparison between them and a person with strong faith."
"A person who speaks of things other than their craft, comes up with wonders"
Some wished the actor hadn't said anything at all
"I wish he had stayed silent."
Not everyone was against what Al Gassabi said though
"Deep words that won't be understood by superficial people. Every human being has something they believe in, and that itself is faith. It differs from one person to the other but someone searching for the truth has an idea and a mind that goes against those who go with the flow and don't think for themselves."
Some completely understood it
"What he said is right, everyone has the right to search for the truth and they might find it or not"
"If you're stupid or weak when it comes to intellect it doesn't mean you have the right to prohibit others from searching, questioning, and thinking."
Amid the online backlash, Al Gassabi issued a clarification
As the Twitter meltdown continued over the weekend, the actor issued a statement clarifying what he meant, but also reiterated most of what he said during the televised appearance.
In his clarification, Al Gassabi said his comments were directed to those who claim they are atheists but don't understand the true meaning behind that.
"The idea came from the fact that there are genuine atheists who dedicate all their writing, thoughts, and vision to searching for the truth and that's a great thing. Even in Islamic history and that of mankind, there were always thinkers whose only quest was that, trying to find truth. So you, of course, have to respect true atheists who are looking to find the meaning behind their rhetoric," he explained.