Looking for nice places to visit during Ramadan? We're here to help.
Prepare yourself for a sleepless night out at one of the most beautiful old streets in Egypt.
Here are a few reasons why you should visit Al-Muizz street in Cairo:
1. You'll be welcomed by a majestic entrance

Muizz Street, شارع المعز, in old Cairo is one of the oldest streets in the capital city. The kilometer long, cobbled street stretches from Bab Al-Futuh in the north to Bab Zuweila in the south.
Whether you decide to start your tour from either the north or the south entrance, you will be greeted by awe-inspiring architecture.
2. The street features medieval treasures

The street is named after Al-Muʿizz li-Deen Illah, the fourth caliph of the Fatimid dynasty. The old street is believed to have the greatest concentration of medieval architectural treasures in the Islamic world, including several well-preserved mosques, mansions, and palaces.
3. Great for those who love architecture and history
Starting in 1997, the Egyptian government carried out extensive renovations to both historic and modern buildings, pavements and sewage systems, effectively turning the street into an "open-air museum".
4. Offering water made artistic!

The architecture is so exquisite that even simple facilities like the two-storied Katkhudas look like a piece of art.
Also known as Sabil-Kuttab, the Katkhuda houses a public water fountain on the ground level. The sabil is wrapped in elaborately designed copper mesh, which is punctured to allow visitors to fill in their cups. On top of the sabil sits a kuttab, a kind of elementary school that once taught children how to read and write.
5. Historical mosques from different eras

The Fatimids, Mamluks, and Ottomans brought their own unique architecture, to marvelous effect!
Fun tip: Once your tour guide points out a certain landmark, try guessing the era in which the building was constructed!
6. The magnificent Tent Market

The southern part of the street extends from the Ghuriya complex to the Bab Zuweila and includes the Tent Market in the Gamaliya district, named after renowned Armenian leader Badr El-din Al Gamali.
7. Having Iftar there is everything!

What is more enjoyable than having iftar with hundreds of people on the street?
Enjoy the best dish-party ever!
8. Without warning, you'll hear upper Egyptian music playing ...
... and all of a sudden, the street will be filled with tannoura dancers whirling in colorful costumes.
9. Suhoor at Al-Muizz is a must try

Nothing fancy, just a regular humble, yet delicious pre-dawn meal. And don't worry about staying out so late, you'll be surrounded with families and children till dawn!
10. The street is exceptionally calm and quiet after dawn...

...giving you chance to appreciate its charm even more.
11. Ever wondered where those big crescents on top of minarets are made?

You can find them in Al-Muizz street. They look so big up close, and some are even taller than you!