Lebanese people...we're pretty punny sometimes. Behold: 

1. Abu lAbed decided to live in Alaska. His e-mail address:

2. How do you make a Lebanese baby shut up?

3. Fi wa7ad "laff" l kou3 ...

4. Fi wa7ad la7az enno se3to we2fe!

5. Fi wa7ad bala3 manchafe ...

6. Fee wa7ad nammalit ejro ...

7. What's the difference between a hableh (rope) and a string bikini?

Al Hable bitjir humar (donkey), but a string bitjir 500 hamir

8. Fee wa7ad anene ...

9. A T-Rex saw his wife playing with her kids on her head and told her ...

10. Fee wahad fet 7ala2 ...

11. Fee wa7ad farat min el de7ek ...

12. Fee wa7ad akal tout ...

13. Fee djeje t7ammet bi Head & Shoulders

14. Fee nekte metkhabbeyeh wara el beb ...