Once upon a time, there was a green woodpecker who ate ants. Every day, he would come down from the sky to hunt his meal. Little did he know, there was also a weasel watching that woodpecker nibble on insects every day.

One day, while the green woodpecker was preparing for his routine hunt, that weasel was ready to to do more than just watch his meal endeavor another meal.

Luckily, photographer Martin-Le May was there to document it all.

As this photo made its rounds on the Interwebs, many thought that the image shows the weasel "hugging" the woodpecker as it flies. This hug is actually the position from which the weasel can attack the woodpecker, via the neck. Still kind of cute, in a predator way. Speculations were raised as to weather the picture is real or forged. Hany Farid the "father" of digital image forensics reassured the public that this photo is real.

"This would have required a nearly perfect and coincidental alignment of the two animals in their original photos so that they could be composited together, this type of forgery is therefore more difficult to create than, for example, two animals simply standing side-by-side." says Farid, to National Geographic .