There comes a time in our lives where we are bound to stop any vehicle with a "red number plate" to get to our desired destination. 

Though some people hate it and keep nagging to reinstate the train system in Lebanon, others live with public transportation and make the most out of it... by adding humor. 

There is true beauty that hides - like hides really well, we can't even find it - in all sorts of Lebanese public transportation and this article is here to reassure that.

1. "Subtle" is every Lebanese taxi driver's middle name

Car decorations can be anything, from your car's brand printed on a tiny cushion to a masba7a hanging from the front mirror. 

But are you truly Lebanese if your cab doesn't stand out? 

2. Rumor has it Michael Schumacher was taught how to drive right here in Lebanon

The most skillful drivers are found in the land of cedars. 

From double parking to drifting on jammed highways, Lebanon's got it all. 

3. Drivers are generally overly talkative

We can't pinpoint whether or not that's a virtue, but what we know is that for sure many people enjoy the many stories they hear. 

4. Arabic music or tarab are always blasting

Van #4 Ft. Talegni Ya Abdo! 

5. There's always space for one more passenger

Source: stormfront

It doesn't matter whether or not there's an empty seat, if six people are going Hamra, then we're going to Hamra.

6. There's always the speed-off between two cars to get to the passenger first

This exhilarating scenario usually happens when a poor, blameless passenger in standing on the sidewalk waiting for a service

The driver spots them, speeds, goes from extreme left to extreme right just to get to them before another cab does. 

7. And then the quotes... the neverending quotes

Taken by StepFeed contributor, Razan Abu Ismail

Their quotes are always so inspiring - or irritating - that your will to live suddenly skyrockets.