1. The artist

"You don’t understand me” - them, probably
2. The popular kid

You’re not actually sure what their name is, but they will only ever interact with you to get notes
3. The activist

They’re always fighting a battle, be it with the #problematic professors, the dean or (often) the students themselves
4. The rich kid

90% of why they show up to class is to show off what their daddy bought them
5. The gym fanatic

Sure, they signed up for uni to go to learn, but more importantly, to get entry to the gym which they seem to never leave
7. The environmentalist

Want to know why you should go vegan? They’ll tell you (no need for you to ask). They’re also the ones who tell to you to quit smoking and feed the university’s cats
8. The drunk

They don’t actually show up drunk to class drunk (normally), but seem to always be hungover or passed out. If you end up in a group project with them, God help you
9. The pessimist

Don’t have a conversation with this person: They hate their lives and want everyone else to hate it with them. They seem to have been in uni for more than 5 years, and they can see no end to their suffering and want you to suffer with them, telling you why you're wasting your time going after an education when they're doing the same
10. The nerd

You’re not sure if these people ever go home, or if they even have homes to go to; no one has actually seen them outside the library
11. The "what am I doing here"

The opposite of the nerd, these people have no clue what is happening as soon as they enter the campus. Major: Undecided
12. The basic girl

Uggs, starbucks, and a ton of makeup are a must for these girls, but they never seem to carry any books though
13. The jagal

They always drive the newest porsche to university and dress like a dad going to the country club, usually the basic girl’s boyfriend
14. The “I’ve been here since 2007”

Changed majors around 5 times, and still are in the first semester of their new major, AKA your biggest fear about the future. To identify them, look for sweatpants and disengagement
15. The aspiring musician

They’re in a constant state of starting a new band and are often fighting with security over the key to the music room
16. The judgemental one

They will judge you for being too religious, not religious enough, studying too much, not studying, or anything you do really...
17. The sarcastic one
They probably were funny in high school, and they hoped that that would get them through university, but it didn’t. They never grew up, but they did grow bitter
18. The participator

This student will have their hands raised the entire class, and will answer back to anything the teacher says. It would be fine if they had anything to say that mattered
19. The 9 credits one

They're always hanging around campus doing nothing. Wherever you go, you see them there. They're always in your face
20. The 18 credits one

Every time you meet them they're always complaining about how they don't have time for anything and they're so exhausted all the time. Also you can't go out with them because they have a test the next day. Always
21. The exchange students
You can distinguish them a mile away at uni, they move in packs and are always together, it's easier to join the illuminati than to join their squad. They might approach you to ask where the location of some area whose name they're really messing up is, but that's it.