Twitter has NOT been blocked in the UAE, but that didn't stop someone from starting a hashtag saying it was.

Of course, Twitter users in the country were a bit confused why the hashtag was going around. And while some just scratched their heads, shrugged their shoulders and ignored it ... a lot of people start responding with perfect sarcasm and hilarity. 

Many were just like WHAT?

Because they were definitely still tweeting

Others suggested they were still tweeting by "magic"

A lot of people joked about tweeting from distant places ...

We are currently on the moon.  

Like, really distant places ...

A lot of people were actually tweeting from Mars, apparently

Mars even has good service

Some were just traveling through space

Or tweeting from the "other side"

Subtle Adele reference FTW!  

Someone started a poll to see where everyone REALLY was

Or was this just a different social media platform in disguise?

But at least one person noticed the "success" of the hashtag