Egyptian football legend Mohamed Salah is no stranger to breaking the internet with his vacation photoshoots. The guy simply knows how to choose travel destinations, and it helps that he's photogenic. Truth be told, we really envy his photographer at this point.
This week, he charmed us with not one, not two, but three images of him frolicking around a beach so clean we doubt it's in the region. Though it remains unconfirmed where his holiday spot is, some believe the star is vacationing in Egypt's El Gouna, while others speculated he's back in the Maldives.
Perfectly walking out of blue waters in one photo and playing around with sand in the other, the footballer sure sent his fans into a frenzy with his most recent posts.
But honestly, who can blame them?
Just look at this still

Vacations done right
Fans simply fell in love, and are you even surprised?

"Summer goals"

New wallpaper?


"The new Bond?"

So many people are pushing for that

"The name's Mo, Mo Salah"

Other movies Salah "could" star in ...

Others are trying to figure out where Salah is

But no one's had any luck locating him yet

Fans were inspired by these posts
"Work until you have a whole beach all to yourself"

So were meme makers
"The same thing but you love Salah."
"Have a good break Mo, you deserve it"