A number of countries in the Middle East enforce a strict dress code on women, making "modest clothing" a law, rather than a choice.
In doing so, some countries have gone above and beyond to censor "bare" arms, legs, and sometimes even faces in adverts, music album covers, and magazine covers.
Saudi-based journalist, Ahmed Al Omran, recently tweeted a photo of a censored magazine cover featuring Meghan Markle in Saudi Arabia ... with black marker covering the Duchess' skin.
Other "censorship" tactics were also applied to the magazine cover.
One Twitter user shared a different version of the cover, with white stickers covering the Duchess' arms and shoulders. The tweep told StepFeed it was taken in Jeddah at Aldanoub Supermarket.
StepFeed talked to the Twitter user, who confirmed that this happens quite often in the kingdom.
"Some places cover entire faces of women or men, but mostly women. [They even cover] faces of models who wear the hijab," the Twitter user told StepFeed.
However, staff members at Arab News visited several newsstands in the kingdom, and said the issue of the cover was “available and uncensored”.
“The images on social media maybe photo-shopped or if they are real, might be an individual effort by a shop keeper,” an employee at a bookstore told Arab News.
"More polite than yours"
"The irony is in the subtitle"
"Women don't have the right to bare arms in Saudi Arabia"

"I recall having to do this manually"

"Meghan Markerpen"
"Can't believe it is still happening"
"Women driving is where the 'reforms' stop"

Not the first time this happens

In 2017, Saudi hardware retailer Saco photoshopped an advertisement by covering one woman with a beach ball.
The original advert was made by U.S. company Intex, including a man, woman, and three children.
The Saudi version included a "clothed" man and three covered children ... and no woman. Instead, they replaced the woman with a beach ball in the corner.