Love can't be measured; be it a book of 700 pages or a leaflet of four, it'll always remain one of the greatest emotions felt by human beings.
In fact, short love stories sometimes hold a deeper, stronger impact than a two-hour romantic movie. Everybody likes positioning the "greatest love stories" on a pedestal, while ignoring the shortest stories they come across every day.
It could be a neighbor's, sibling's, and more often than not, your own love story, but we let them flee as if they don't compare to Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet.
Love is a right, not a privilege ... and no written tale is to dictate how it should be in real life.
Couples from different ethnic backgrounds - Americans with Arabs or Arabs from different countries - don't always have it easy, but they have it regardless. A duo with an age gap don't wait for society's approval, they just go for it. The wealth of love needs no similar socio-economic backgrounds for two people to fall in love.
Truth be told, love is color blind ... in all the metaphorical sense there is in this expression.
Closeup encourages "closeness"
In 2019, the brand launched its #GiveLoveAChance campaign in celebration of love in all its forms.
Societal discrimination - whether it's based on race, age, or social class - has gotten in the way of many Arab couples who were color blind in their love.
The video campaign sheds light on the fact that love knows no age, no boundaries, and certainly no barriers whatever they may be. It's time to break down the fences and let love decide.
Will love always win?
And isn't that the one million dollar question?
For now, we don't know and can't tell - though we hope for it - but Closeup is here and ready to carry on the fight.
Each and every person's heart is worth it, and everybody has a role to play.
So, will you let love in or keep it behind the fence?
Join the movement by sharing your own love story accompanied with the hashtag #GiveLoveAChance.