Lebanese social media users have been obsessing over a university professor for his gesture of kindness towards one of his students.
Hassan Chamas, who has a PhD degree from the University of Bradford and gives business lectures in several universities in Lebanon, has been praised online for holding his student's baby throughout an entire lecture at the Lebanese International University (LIU.)
Speaking to StepFeed, the 28-year-old explained he was simply supporting the mother who was pursuing a masters degree while taking care of her son.
"All the credit goes [to] her," he said.
In a post shared on Facebook, Chamas said his Master of Business Administration (MBA) student had to bring her baby son to class on March 6.
When the baby started crying, he took it upon himself to help the mother, holding her son until he fell asleep on his shoulder... all the while carrying on with the lecture.
"This was one of my favorite lectures," the professor wrote. "I am sure the baby understood everything, he was so close to the lecturer," he added jokingly.
Chamas' post, which has been shared almost 400 times on the social media platform, features a photo of him holding the baby while lecturing his students.
"I think moms and women deserve from us all the encouragement and support for what they are doing," Chamas later wrote in response to the positive feedback he has received.
People are applauding Dr. Chamas' kindness


"All the appreciation and respect for you and the people like you."
Humanity at its finest

"I respect and admire your humanity."
Leading by example

"So inspiring"

It's all about the ethics

"A humble and well-mannered professor"

"There's still hope in humanity as long as there's such a humane and responsible professor. God bless this humble and well-mannered professor."
Students with children wish for more professors like Chamas

"I wish all professors were like you Dr., which is not the case at the Lebanese University. A female professor once kicked me out of class when I brought my mature son with me, despite the fact that he didn't cry nor whine."
"My wife and baby suffered a lot when she was a graduating student"