Kuwaiti cleric Dr. Othman Al Khamees is no stranger to sparking controversy online and things weren't so different over the weekend.
On Thursday, the scholar uploaded a video to Twitter in which he states "it's haram for women to wear pants."
The statement came in reply to a question the cleric was asked about whether it's permissible for women to wear pants above their heels.
In his reply to the inquiry, Al Khamees said:
"Pants are 'haram' altogether and they're asking about ones that go above the heels! It's impermissible for Muslim women to wear pants except if they put on a 'thawb' [floor-length garment] over them. It isn't acceptable in Islam for a woman to expose her legs and thighs, and pants define these body parts. Ones that go above the heels also reveal a part of the body that shouldn't be out."
His words divided people's opinions, with many supporting his stance on the issue and others hitting back at his rhetoric.
Here's a little of how it all played out online:
Some were all for Al Khamees' edict

"It's not just pants, anything that defines a woman's body is haram (unacceptable in Islam)."
And supported his words

"Tight pants that cling to a woman's body are certainly haram."
Many were completely against the edict, though

"Women's clothes must be modest and must not be tight, that's regardless of whether she wears pants or a dress. The holy Quran is clear and direct. Don't ban what God ruled as permissible."
Others savagely trolled him

"You're right, and it's haram for her to breathe too."
"Sister die ... everything is haram"

"Imagine, all of our nation's problems ended and we're now discussing women's pants"

Because no one could even with this ruling

"Thanks for this edict that won't change anything"

"Since I was a kid, I've always worn pants because they're modest."
Not the first time Al Khamees sparks an online controversy
This isn't the first time an edict issued by Al Khamees divides people's opinions.
Earlier this year, a video of him saying it's unacceptable for a Muslim woman to travel alone sparked controversy on Twitter.
The statement came in response to a question the cleric was asked by one of his followers and featured pretty bizarre reasons why females shouldn't travel alone.
"You say you'll pick her up, what if something comes up and you don't end up doing that? What if you get into an accident, God forbids, and you're sent to a hospital where she can't find you? What if one of your phone connections suddenly fail," he said.
"What if she had to make an emergency landing in Holland or Germany, what if her flight gets diverted? It's not right, it's just not acceptable to have her travel alone," he added.