Millions of people across the Gulf region recently celebrated a special Ramadan tradition called gergeanThe festive celebration is said to originate in Iraq and Kuwait and has slowly made its way to other neighboring countries.

It is marked annually mid-Ramadan when the moon is full and sees children wear traditional clothes while touring local neighborhoods, carrying candy bags while singing centuries-old lullabies.

People have called it the Gulf region's version of Halloween, but videos and photos of it circulating online this week prove it's just so much more fun:

Candy, songs, and festivities

What's not to love?

Gergean performances are legit

And look like so much fun

The celebration's traditional costumes are too pretty

It isn't only for kids

"No one tell me gergean is only for little kids, I want to celebrate too, here's my humble gergean."

"Ithra's gergean looks like so much fun, it makes me wish I were a kid"

Gergean dinosaurs are all the rage this year

To say the least

Gergean ice cream is also a thing

Celebrations were taken to the next level

Kuwaiti TV presenter Halima Poland decided to give out Cartier gifts to her daughters for gergean

Happy gergean everyone!