Living in Beirut can be stressful, especially when you own a car. Here are six ways that you can avoid the stress of traffic that clogs the Lebanese highways.

1. Curse a lot, just make sure that no one hears you.

It is good to let your frustration out when you have been waiting forever in one spot just because there’s a garbage truck at the end of the road. Our advice? Curse the day you were born but just don’t curse anyone’s mother. They’re sensitive on that in the middle east.

2. Make sure that you have the right music.


Listening to Kurt Cobain on your way home when you’re drained from energy and still have to endure the traffic before you rest could drive you suicidal. Make sure you have some uplifting music which can make your wait less tensed.

3. Make sure that you have a phone charger in your car.

The worse thing than being stuck in traffic is being stuck in traffic with no battery. Yes the horrible fact that we need our phones, and no we’re not texting and driving when we’re on neutral.

4. Always include the time the road usually takes you before you make plans.

Having plans you won’t make on time will only stress you out more, make sure you know how long it takes you getting from one place to another before promising your friends you’ll meet them up and get frustrated that you’re not getting there in time.

5. Always pee before you leave anywhere.

This is more than a tip, it’s almost a rule. There’s nothing more stressful than a tense bladder in the midst of the hard never ending traffic, not to mention it’s unhealthy.

6. Read your mail.

What better time to read the emails you never got the chance to open at work. Sometimes making the best out of a negative situation is the best way to not only endure the situation but flourish with it as well.