Working full-time is tiring. Added to that is the fact that outside of the 9-5, there is very little time there is to work out and be fit. Lucky for you, here are six ways that you can stay fit during office hours.

1. Stand during meetings.

Not only you get to be the center of attention, you encourage the meeting not to drag on too long.

2. Take the stairs instead of the elevator.

Arrive with an endorphin boost as you exercise those legs and feed that brain with energy.

3. Take your break outside.

Get a change of scenery and take your break outside. Have a stroll by your workplace and remember that you are not a robot.

4. Stretch.

Practice stretching or light yoga moves while sitting at your desk or talking on the phone.

5. Make your space peaceful.

Make sure to have a photo of a loved one or a picture of an awesome vacation. Take a few minutes every day to breathe deep and be thankful.

6. Have snacks.

Make sure you munch on something every two hours to avoid getting too famished.