How much should you earn in the UAE? This calculator will tell you

Your handy salary guide.

Whether you are a potential employee or employed already, this calculator will give you instant access to the average salary ranges in the UAE.

The Robert Half 2017 Salary Guide has only been recently published. It provides a comprehensive guide that will enable you to navigate trends in your sector.

It includes information on salaries ranging across various employment fields, from accounting and finance, financial services, HR and legal, to technology and IT.

If you are working as an analyst in the UAE, apparently, this is what you should be taking home...

And here is the average for the UAE's hard-working recruitment managers...

How about a career swap toward being a financial controller?

Try it out and calculate what you could/should be earning in 2017. 

An Egyptian entrepreneur wants to replace Tuk Tuks with minicars

A locally built, safer, bigger, more efficient and cheaper alternative.

Entrepreneur Ahmed Saeed el-Feki has created Egypt's first-ever locally made minicar.

The idea for "Minicar Egypt" came about the same time Egypt decided to float the pound, sending the country's economy into a tail spin, the 35-year-old told the Associated Press.

"We decided to think outside the box and create a local product to replace the Tuk Tuk," el-Feki said.

In a country that relies heavily on imports, currently suffering under significant economic hardships, el-Feki has managed to set up a small workshop for his project, not far from the Giza Pyramids.

"The minicar's engine power is 300cc, while the Tuk Tuk's is 175cc. The body thickness is 4mm while the Tuk Tuk is only 0.75mm," AP reports.

Additionally, the minicar is safer and consumes less fuel than the traditional Tuk Tuk.

"The minicar is similar to the Tuk Tuk but I feel it is more practical when I drive it inside my village," Hossam Gamal el-Halawany, who bought one of the vehicles, said. He pointed out that it can also easily carry more passengers.

In addition to these advantages, the minicar is also cheaper. Currently, el-Feki is selling them for 34,000 Egyptian pounds ($1, 907). The Tuk Tuk retails at 38,000 Egyptian ($2,130 dollars).

Tuk Tuk Egypt
A traditional Tuk Tuk in Egypt Source: WikiMedia

El-Feki has been producing 30 to 40 of the small vehicles every month, just by building them with his own hands. Now, as demand grows – both locally and even from abroad – he has reached a deal to produce some of the vehicle's parts in an Army run factory.

Although a businessman approached El-Feki offering to manufacture the vehicle in Mozambique, El-Feki declined. He wants his business venture to benefit Egypt to the max, creating jobs and helping the local economy.

He said it's his dream to help support his country through the endeavor.